In the vision of the Gattinoni Group, attention to people takes on multiple nuances and is also expressed in commitment and solidarity towards the most fragile populations, through economic support for various social projects. Since 2005, through the Un Mondo di Amici Onlus association, the Group has been actively committed to supporting social projects in various fields. Currently the supported projects concern the areas of training, inclusion and mobility.




Gattinoni finances the studies of two students in Kenya, together with the Karibujua Association which contributes to the development of education in three remote regions of Kenya, considering the right to education and cultural exchange essential to change and improve one’s life. Karibujua’s mission is to select and reward deserving students through scholarships, allowing them to attend high school, guaranteeing the necessary expenses for all four years.

“Un Mondo di Amici” finances the studies of Halima Wanala and Issanka Mohamed Goricha, who achieved very satisfactory results in all disciplines in the first quarter of 2023.


Tourism is the emblem of mobility, and mobility is inherently linked to inclusion. The Free Wheels Association is an international reference point for those wishing to embark on a journey while facing reduced mobility.

After supporting the 2023 edition in Veneto, we stood by the association for the 2024 event, “In the Footsteps of Francesco – A Journey for Accessibility and Peace,” which started in Ancona and reached Rome, culminating in an emotional meeting with Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square. The participants, ten individuals with reduced mobility and several visually impaired members of the NoisyVision Association, traveled over 450 km, visiting some of the most enchanting places in central Italy across the Marche, Umbria, and Lazio regions.


Nel corso degli anni precedenti, Un Mondo di Amici Onlus ha sostenuto altri importanti progetti.

Dal 2005 al 2016 ha contribuito alla costruzione e al mantenimento del centro ospedaliero Benedict Medical Center in Uganda, sorto a Luzira su un’area di proprietà dell’Arcidiocesi di Kampala (Sud Uganda) e concessa in affidamento a Emmaus Foundation, gestita da Padre John Scalabrini. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di permettere l’accesso alle cure mediche agli abitanti di un paese martoriato dalla guerra civile.

Nel 2023 la Onlus ha sostenuto la Croce Verde A.P.M., la più antica associazione di pubblica assistenza per scopi civili della Città di Milano. “Un Mondo di Amici” ha permesso di acquistare due sedie portantine cingolate che facilitano il trasporto di pazienti non autonomi; con questa tipologia di sedie, tutti i pazienti possono essere movimentati in modo più agevole.


Over the years, the non-profit organization’s projects have been supported through multiple initiatives, from raising awareness among the resources of the Group and the associations present in Italy, to the organization of charity evenings and the sale of books.

You can contribute to our projects by giving us your 5×1000: you will just have to sign and enter the tax code of a Mondo di Amici Onlus in your tax return or in the CU. This is a tax quota that the State renounces to allocate funds to non-profit associations, and does not replace the 8×1000: it costs you nothing, but for the families and children of Uganda it has immense value. Like their every little thank you.

TAX CODE to allocate the 5×1000: 92048970138


For those wishing to make a free donation, the bank account details for the payment are as follows:

C/C 50435/35 made out to Un Mondo di Amici Onlus

Banca Popolare di Sondrio – Agency 022 Lecco

IT 15H 056 9622 9000 0005 0435 X35

Reason: donation + name and surname

Non solo orizzonti ma anche impegno e solidarietà senza confini
